What is a spam account on Instagram? Why is it dangerous?
As a parent, it’s essential to be aware of the latest social media trends among teenagers. One such trend is the use of Finstas – fake accounts that children and teenagers can create on Instagram.
Sounds harmless enough, right? You will be shocked that even scientific research has been published on this topic. According to a survey by the University of Maryland, teenagers believe Finstas are a way to express a more “real” version of themselves.
One of the respondents said, “I have a fun spam account where I post whatever I want, whenever I want. Since only my close friends follow the account, it is a place where no one can judge me.”
This citation reflects what many scientists have found in their research – that Fintas are a way for children and teenagers to express themselves without worrying about judgment from others. And numbers back this up – according to another study, 47% of teenagers have created a fictitious Instagram profile, and three out of every five females have a fake account.
So what does this mean for parents?
It means that if you have children who are using Instagram, there is a good chance that they also have a Finsta. And as a parent, it is essential to be aware of this trend so that you can have a conversation with your child about it.
In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of fake accounts and provide parents with tips on how to protect their children from them.
What Is Finsta Account on Instagram?
Finsta is short for “fake Insta.” It’s an account where users can post photos and videos that are often more risqué than what they share on their regular accounts. These accounts usually have a small number of followers, typically close friends or family members. As a result, the content is often more personal and intimate than what users share on their regular Instagram accounts.
The appeal of a spam Instagram account is that it allows users to be more open and honest about their lives without worrying about how many likes or comments they get. For some people, this can be liberating. It can also be a way to keep in touch with close friends you don’t see often.
However, there are also some risks associated with the Finsta account. Because the content is more personal and intimate, sharing things that you later regret can be easy. Once something is posted on such an account, it can be challenging to take down.
Since Instagram allowed users to link up to five separate accounts, there has been a surge in the number of people creating fake accounts. It’s widespread among teenagers and young adults.
You could also hear about so-called Spam accounts. What are these accounts?
They are fake accounts created with the sole purpose of posting more unedited, personal content that doesn’t fit into the persona of an individual’s main Instagram account.
Because the content is more personal and intimate, sharing things that you later regret can be easy. Once something is posted on a fake account, it can be challenging to take down.
So why exactly do people create Finstas and Spam accounts? Let’s explore some of the reasons.
Why Do Teenagers Have Spam Accounts?
In today’s world, spam accounts are everywhere. Many teenagers have multiple social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. However, there is also a growing trend of teens creating “finstas,” or fake Insta accounts. These Finstas are usually private, with only a small group of close friends having access. So why does a teenager create Finsta account?
For many teens, Finstas provide a much-needed respite from the constant judgment of their peers. On Finstas, they can post what they want, when they want, without having to worry about getting likes or comments. Spam account pictures allow them to express themselves in a safe and judgment-free way. In addition, Finstas can be used to stay in touch with close friends without the interference of other people in their lives.
In addition, Finstas can be used to experiment with different aspects of one’s personality. For example, a teen who is usually shy and reserved may have a Finsta account where they are funny and outgoing. This can allow them to explore different parts of their personality in a safe space.
Finally, Finstas provide a sense of privacy that main accounts don’t always offer. Because most people only follow close friends and family on their Finsta accounts, teens feel they can share more personal information without worrying about who might see it. This sense of privacy can benefit teens, allowing them to share more openly with their close friends.
Key points:
- Finstas are private Instagram accounts that teens use to share raw, unfiltered photos with close friends and family.
- Finstas can be a way for teens to explore different parts of their personality.
- Finstas provide a sense of privacy that main accounts don’t always offer.
Takeaway: Spam accounts can benefit teen mental health by providing a space for exploration and privacy. However, it’s essential to monitor your teen’s activity on their fake account to ensure they’re not being cyberbullied or engaging in risky behavior.
Pros And Cons of Spam Account on Instagram
Spam account on Instagram can offer some benefits to teens, but there are also potential dangers to be aware of.
While main Insta accounts are open to the public and allow users to share their lives with a large audience, Finsta provides a more private space for users to express themselves.
Only accessible to users who have been invited by the account owner, Finstas allow teens to share photos and thoughts that they may not feel comfortable posting on their main account. Instagram spam can be a good thing, as it will enable teens to explore different aspects of their personalities without fear of judgment from their friends or family.
The sense of privacy also plays into why teens love Finstas. Main accounts are often filled with photos that have been carefully curated to show only the best moments of a person’s life.
Fake spam accounts provide an escape from this pressure and allow users to show their more human side. However, the downside is that because these accounts are so private, there is a greater risk of cyberbullying and other harmful behavior.
However, there are also some potential dangers associated with Finsta account. For example, because these accounts typically have fewer followers than main accounts, they may receive less engagement and likes. This can make users feel like they need to post more frequently or take more risks to get the attention they crave.
This can lead to feelings of insecurity and anxiety for teen users. Additionally, because Finsta posts are often more personal and raw than those on main Instagram accounts, they can be used as a tool for cyberbullying.
Here’s how it works: let’s say teen posts an embarrassing photo on their fake account. One of their “friends” then screenshots the picture and reposts it to the main Instagram account, intending to humiliate the original poster.
This type of cyberbullying can be especially damaging because it feels like a betrayal from someone the victim thought they could trust.
Signs of Finsta Accounts
If your teen suddenly spends more time on their phone, they may use a Finsta account. Here are some other signs to look out for:
- Secretive behavior when it comes to their phone or social media in general
- Not wanting to show you their feed
- Posting unusually personal or raw photos
- Unfollowing friends or family members on Instagram
If you bring up the topic with your teen and they become defensive or refuse to talk about it, that’s another red flag. As a parent, having an open dialogue with your teen about social media and its dangers is essential. Let them know you are there for them and only want to help them stay safe online.
Another way is to look for Finsta usernames similar to your teen’s Instagram username. For example, if their username is “@ilovecats123”, a fake account name might be something like “@ilovecats1234_finsta” or “@ilovecats1234_spam”.
Some other vital things to look for are:
- A Finsta account with a minimal number of followers (usually around five or less)
- An account that is private or set to “friends only.”
- An account with a username that is similar to your teen’s Insta username
Unfortunately, the chance to follow your teen’s Finsta account is usually by invite only. So if you’re not already tracking your teen’s account, you’ll likely have to wait until they invite you. In the meantime, talking to your teen about why they use it and what things they share on the platform is essential.
While teens need to have a spam account on Instagram to express themselves freely, it’s also vital for them to understand the importance of privacy and online safety. By talking to your teen about Finstas and other social media platforms, you can help them develop healthy habits that will serve them well into adulthood.
Are There Any Dangers Associated with Finsta?

Spam accounts are usually private, meaning that only people approved by the account owner can see the photos. And while the pros and cons of this can be debated, the real danger lies in the fact that fake Instagram accounts are often used to bully other people. Other concerns include the possibility of inappropriate behavior.
What’s in spam? Imagine the situation: your teenager is minding their own business, scrolling through their feed when they come across a photo taken without their knowledge. It’s an unflattering photo, and there are mean comments attached to it. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many teenagers who have fake Instagram accounts.
Finsta’s bullies will often take advantage of the fact that these accounts are private and that they can’t be traced. Unfortunately, this makes it very hard for victims to defend themselves or even know who to go to for help. And because spam cyberbullying can have such a profound effect on a person’s mental health, parents need to be aware of the risks associated with Finstas.
One of the anonymous users has shared: “I have had a Finsta for over two years now. I originally made it because all my friends had one and I felt left out. But then, after a while, I started getting bullied. People would post mean comments about me or share embarrassing photos.”
“It got to the point where I was so anxious about what spam accounts said about me that I stopped using the account altogether. But even then, the damage had been done. I still think about those comments sometimes, and they really affect my self-esteem.”
Is there any worst-case scenario? Unfortunately, yes. Instagram cyberbullying can transform into real-life bullying. How is it possible? Well, if the bully knows who you are in real life, they can start following you or even worse, harassing you outside of social media.
Or bullies can take screenshots of your posts and share them with other people without your consent. So, if you are being bullied on Finsta, it is essential to take screenshots or keep some evidence, just in case the bully decides to take things offline.
One impressive story is about Caroline, who was cyberbullied so badly that she had to leave school. She told us: “My bullies would make up stories about me and post them on their spam accounts. They’d also take pictures of me when I was not looking my best and share them without my permission. It got to the point where I didn’t want to leave my house because I was so embarrassed about what people might say on Instagram or do to me. So, I stopped going to school and ended up getting homeschooled.”
Inappropriate Behavior
Many parents are concerned about their teen’s use of Finsta meaning to engage in inappropriate behavior. While it’s true that some teens do use fake Insta to post things they wouldn’t want their parents or other adults to see, it’s important to remember that this is not the only purpose of the account.
In fact, many teens use spam account on Instagram as a way to document their lives and share things with their friends that they wouldn’t necessarily want to share on a more public platform like Facebook or Twitter.
Nevertheless, the concept of an alter-ego and Finsta definition can be dangerous because it can lead to teens feeling like they have a license to behave in ways they wouldn’t normally behave. Some common examples of this include posting:
- Racy or suggestive photos
- Photos of themselves drinking alcohol or using drugs
- Mean comments about other people
- Bullying behavior
Imagine an innocent Instagram photo of your teen daughter posing in her bathing suit at the beach. On a public platform, she’s likely to get a few likes and comments from friends and family members. But on a fake account, that same photo could be met with all sorts of lewd comments from boys who follow her account.
Of course, not all spam accounts are used for bad things. Many teens use them simply as a way to document their everyday lives and share silly photos with their close friends. However, the desire to be appreciated and liked by others can often lead teens to use their spam accounts in ways that they wouldn’t want their parents or other adults to see.
Some personal stories:
“I was shocked when I found out my daughter had a Fake. She’s always been a good kid, and I just couldn’t understand why she would need one. But, after looking at it on Instagram, I realized that it was just a way for her to document her life with her friends. There wasn’t anything bad on there, but it did make me worry about what she might be posting in the future.”
“My son uses his spam account on Instagram to post photos of himself smoking weed and making obscene gestures. I had no idea he was doing this until I found his account. Now, I’m worried about what else he’s doing that I don’t know about.”
“My daughter is shy and reserved in real life, but her spam account has shocked me. She cosplayed as an anime character and posted provocative photos of herself. I had no idea she even owned something like that, let alone that she would post it online.”
“I found out that my child was using their fake to bully other kids from school on Instagram. They were posting mean comments and making fun of other people’s appearances. I was so disappointed and upset. I thought they were better than that.”
Privacy Is Questionable
Spam meaning in Instagram is sharing content that wouldn’t be appropriate for a public platform. This raises privacy concerns for parents who may not want their children sharing intimate details of their lives with the world.
Hacking is also a concern with Finstas. Because these accounts are often connected to other social media accounts, if one is hacked, it’s possible that the hacker could gain access to the spam account names and passwords as well. This could lead to leaked sensitive information or embarrassing photos being shared without the person’s consent.
Can you prevent the leakage of information? It is naive to think that you can, because it is out of your control once you post spam pictures or videos. You can take measures to prevent others from seeing your posts by making your account private, but that doesn’t stop someone from taking a screenshot and sharing it with others.
Some advanced users may know how to take measures to prevent their spam accounts from being hacked, but for the average person, it is very difficult to do so. The best thing you can do is be aware of the risks and avoid sharing anything on your fake account that you wouldn’t want to be made public.
Our readers have shared their fake Instagram experiences with us:
“My son’s ex-girlfriend took a screenshot of their conversation on his fake account and shared it with her friends. He was so embarrassed and humiliated that he got bullied at school because of it.” – Mary K.
“I found out that my daughter was using drugs after she posted about it on her Finsta account. I had no idea she was even experimenting, let alone using regularly.” – Joe G.
As you can see, the risks of sharing too much on your fake account are very real. In some cases, it can even lead to dangerous or life-threatening situations. So, what can you do to protect your child from making these same mistakes?
Finsta vs Spam: How to Protect Your Child?
As a parent, it’s important to be aware of the dangers that come with Instagram. One of the newer trends is something called a “Finstas”. It is a fake Insta account where people post things they wouldn’t want their real friends to see. This can include wild parties, drinking, drugs, and other risky behavior.
While some teens may see creating fake spam accounts as harmless fun, some serious risks come with them. Here are a few things parents need to know about Finstas:
- Finstas don’t really ever go away. They can be erased or buried, but screenshots and other ways to get the content back will keep it alive forever. Even if your child deletes their Finsta account, there’s no guarantee that the images and videos they’ve posted won’t end up in the wrong hands.
- Finstas can also be used to bully or harass others. Since these accounts are often anonymous, it’s easy for people to say things they wouldn’t usually say. This can lead to many hurt feelings and even severe psychological damage.
If you think your child might have a spam account, sit down and talk to them about the risks involved. Help them understand why it’s not worth putting themselves or their friends in danger just for a few likes on social media. You can provide some arguments like:
“Your real friends will like you no matter what you post on Instagram. And if they don’t, maybe they’re not really your friends.”
“Think about how you would feel if someone posted something mean or embarrassing about you on their account. You wouldn’t want anyone to do that to you, so why would you do it to someone else?”
“It’s not worth risking your safety or the safety of your friends just for Instagram likes. If something bad happens because of a post, you could get into a lot of trouble.”
If Your Child Is Insistent on Having a Spam Account…
Teenagers are stubborn regarding spam accounts. We get it. So if your child is determined to have a fake account despite your warnings, there are a few things you can do to help them stay safe:
Ask Them to Set up a Protected Instagram Account
“If you’re going to have spam accounts, you need to set it up so that only your close friends can see it. That way, if anything ever happens, at least I’ll know who did it.”
The safe route is to have your child change their privacy settings so that only people they know and trust can see their posts. To do this on Insta spam accounts:
- Go to your child’s profile and click the three dots in the top right corner
- Scroll down to “Private Account” and toggle it on
- Now, only people who your child approves of will be able to see their posts
Another essential measure is to set up a strong password that can’t be easily guessed. This will help to keep unwanted spam accounts, and viewers, out and make it more difficult for hackers to get in. Finally, remind your child that once something is posted online, it’s there forever. To change your password on Instagram:
- Go to your profile and click the three dots in the top right corner
- Scroll down to “Edit Instagram Profile”
- Click on “Temporarily disable my account” in the bottom left corner
- Enter your password when prompted and click “Temporarily Disable Account”
- To change your password, enter your current one under “Old Password,” then type in your new password twice under “New Password.” Be sure to choose something vital that you won’t forget!
Some ideas for strong spam accounts passwords are:
- Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols
- Make it at least six characters long
- Don’t use easily guessed words like “password” or your child’s name
Now that you know how to change your password, you’re one step closer to keeping your child safe online. But there’s more you can do! Here are some other tips for monitoring your child’s online activity.
Ensure They Know the Risks of Sharing Personal Information
How to find someone’s Finsta account? Can a stranger find you?
Your children must understand the risks of sharing personal information online. Finstas are often used to share sensitive information, like addresses, phone numbers, and personal thoughts.
While it’s great that kids feel comfortable sharing this type of information with their friends, they must understand the risks of spam accounts.
Explain to your children that once something is posted online, it’s there forever. So even if they deleted their account, someone could have taken a screenshot or saved the content in another way. This means that their personal information could be shared without their consent.
Warn them not to:
- Share their full name, address, or phone number on Instagram
- Post anything they wouldn’t want their parents to see
- Say anything mean or hurtful to others
Encourage them to:
- Think before they post
- Talk to you if they see something that makes them feel uncomfortable
- Report any harmful content to the site administrator
By having these conversations with your kids, you can help them navigate spam accounts safely. And if you’re concerned about what your child is posting on their account, you can always ask to see it. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
It’s also important to remind them not to accept friend requests from people they don’t know in real life. Many spam predators create fake accounts to friend children and collect personal information from them.
While Finstas are private, it’s still possible for strangers to see what’s being posted if they’re able to friend your child. Just because an account is private doesn’t mean it’s completely inaccessible to strangers.
If someone is able to friend your child on Instagram, they’ll also be able to see their Finstas posts. So while Finstas may seem like a safe way for kids to share photos and messages with their friends, it’s important to remember that there’s always a risk that strangers could see what’s being posted.
Additionally, they should be cautious about posting spam photos that could reveal their location. If your child does choose to share photos on their fake account, you can help to protect their privacy by disabling location services on their phone. To do this:
- Open the Settings app on your child’s phone.
- Tap Privacy > Location Services.
- Scroll to the bottom and tap System Services.
- Turn off Location-Based Apple Ads and Frequent Locations.
While spam accounts may not be going away anytime soon, there are ways that parents can help their children to use them safely. By being aware of the risks and taking steps to protect their privacy, kids can enjoy using Finstas without putting themselves at risk.
Check Up Their Social Media Regularly
As a parent, staying up-to-date on spam social media use is important. This includes knowing which platforms they are using and what kinds of content they are sharing.
While you may not be able to check in on their fake account all the time, you can ask them to show you what they post every so often. This will help you better understand what kind of content is being shared and whether it is appropriate.
If you find your child sharing inappropriate content on their spam accounts, talk to them about why this is not okay. Help them to understand the risks of sharing such content and encourage them to share only positive, uplifting content on their social media accounts.
Additionally, remind them that once something is posted online, it can never really be deleted and that they should think carefully before hitting “post.”
By monitoring your child’s spam accounts, you can help to keep them safe from the dangers of sharing inappropriate content online. So, take the time to talk to your kids about their social media use and make sure you know what they are posting on their Finstas!
Can You Secretly Look at Your Kid’s Instagram?
As a parent, you may wonder if there’s any way to secretly look at your kid’s spam accounts. As we previously mentioned, Finstas are private accounts that are usually only shared with close friends. And while you may not have access to your kid’s account, there are ways to see what they’re posting.
Access Their Device
As a parent, staying up-to-date on the latest trends in spam meaning in Instagram is essential. After all, you want to make sure your child is safe online. One trend that you may not be familiar with is the Finsta account.
Finstas are typically used to share unedited, candid photos with close friends. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with a fake account, you must be aware of what your child is sharing on their spam accounts. If you have access to your kid’s device, you can easily see their Finstas by logging into their Insta app.
Once you’re logged in, click on the profile icon in the bottom right-hand corner. From there, you’ll see a list of all the accounts they’re following. If your kid has private spam accounts, it will say “Private” next to their username. By taking the time to check their fake account, you can help ensure that your child is staying safe online.
Create a Fake Account and Follow Them
If you’re really concerned about what your child is posting on their spam accounts, you can always create a fake account and follow them. This way, you can see everything they’re posting without them knowing. Just be sure not to like or comment on any of their posts, as this will give away that you’re monitoring their account.
To do this:
- Go to the Instagram website and click Sign Up.
- Enter your information and choose a username that won’t be obvious that it’s you. For example, if your child’s username is @cutegirl123, you could use @coolgirl456.
- Select a profile picture that isn’t of you. For example, you can use a picture of a celebrity, animal, or anything else that isn’t you.
- Once you’ve created your spam accounts, go to your child’s page and click Follow.
- Now, whenever they post something, you’ll get a notification and be able to see it. Remember not to like or comment on anything, as this will give away that you’re monitoring their account.
Use a Third-Party App

If you’re anxious about what your child is posting on their spam account on Instagram, you can use a third-party app to monitor it for you. There are a few different ones out there, but we recommend using mSpy.
With mSpy, you’ll be able to :
- See all the posts your child has made
- Get notifications whenever they make a new post
- View any images or videos they’ve posted
- See who they’re following and who’s following them
Even private spam accounts or secret messages can be found by a parent if they’re using mSpy.
How does it work? mSpy uses what’s called a “keylogger.” This type of software records everything the user types on their keyboard, including passwords. So even if your child thinks they’re being super sneaky with their spam accounts, you’ll still be able to see what they’re up to.
mSpy isn’t just for Finstas, either. You can also use it to track your child’s activity on other social media platforms like Snapchat and Facebook. So if you’re looking for a way to keep an eye on your child’s spam accounts, mSpy is definitely the way to go.
Finsta accounts may seem like a harmless way for kids to share silly pictures and videos with their friends, but there are some real dangers that parents need to be aware of. While it’s impossible to completely protect our children from the dark side of spam accounts, we can arm them with knowledge and help them make smart choices about what they share online.
So talk to your kids about Finstas, explain the risks, and encourage them to use good judgment when posting content. With your guidance, they can learn to navigate the social media landscape and spam accounts safely and responsibly.