8 Must-Follow Tips to Manage Kids’ Screen Time

Kids’ Screen Time Management

Whether you only consider providing you children with a mobile device, or they already have it, you must think thoroughly about how you’re going to manage kids’ screen time. The thing is that modern-day children may literally spend hours on their smartphones and tablets as these devices become the primary mean of entertainment and communication with friends.

At the same time, too much time on the screen can have an adverse impact on kids’ school performance and – what’s even worse – health. Sleep and behavior issues, attention and bearing problems, depression, even obesity – this is not the full list of possible consequences of unlimited screen time. Yet, there are many ways for caring parents to help kids deal with this matter (e.g. apps to limit screen time). Moreover, you can even reverse the situation so that wise use of a smartphone or tablet would benefit children from learning opportunities.

Check our infographic to discover 8 screen time recommendations to help parents reduce and moderate the time their kids spend in front of the screen.

Must-Follow Tips to Manage Kids’ Screen Time

By Ray Newland

My name is Ray Newland, and I am a cybersecurity expert with a passion for ethical hacking. Over my 20+ year career, I’ve tested several messaging apps for security flaws to make the online world safer. In this blog, I share my knowledge and techniques to help you do the same for your loved ones.

1 comment

  1. Very informative article! It’s important to understand the implications of excessive screen time for teens, and this article provides guidance for parents on how to manage their children’s online activities best. Thank you for bringing awareness to this issue.

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